Opening October 1st 2022
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Ideas that Connect Us

The history of communications technology is brimming with great ideas. Small tweaks, big dreams and playful takes on existing technologies has often turned into incredible inventions – inventions that brought people closer together and made the world bigger and smaller at the same time. Some of these ideas have become established history – the inventors got famous and the companies got their patents. Other ideas belong to all of us. In our combined workshop and exhibition area, our guests get the opportunity to design and create their own inventions with communications history as a backdrop. If one is to understand our technological history, epoch defining inventions and their inventors is not the only important thing to focus on. At ENIGMA, we explore the history of communications technology by using, tweaking and playing around with the technologies themselves.‍

The history of communications technology is brimming with great ideas. Small tweaks, big dreams and playful takes on existing technologies has often turned into incredible inventions – inventions that brought people closer together and made the world bigger and smaller at the same time.

Some of these ideas have become established history – the inventors got famous and the companies got their patents. Other ideas belong to all of us.

In our combined workshop and exhibition area, our guests get the opportunity to design and create their own inventions with communications history as a backdrop. If one is to understand our technological history, epoch defining inventions and their inventors is not the only important thing to focus on. At ENIGMA, we explore the history of communications technology by using, tweaking and playing around with the technologies themselves.

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The history of communications technology is brimming with great ideas. Small tweaks, big dreams and playful takes on existing technologies has often turned into incredible inventions – inventions that brought people closer together and made the world bigger and smaller at the same time.

Some of these ideas have become established history – the inventors got famous and the companies got their patents. Other ideas belong to all of us.

In our combined workshop and exhibition area, our guests get the opportunity to design and create their own inventions with communications history as a backdrop. If one is to understand our technological history, epoch defining inventions and their inventors is not the only important thing to focus on. At ENIGMA, we explore the history of communications technology by using, tweaking and playing around with the technologies themselves.

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